Friday, March 31, 2023

Gematria how to calculate

gematria is an ancient form of numerology that has been used in many cultures for centuries. It is based on the belief that the universe is a reflection of numbers and the values of words and phrases can be determined by calculating their numerical equivalent. By assigning numerical value to letters, words and phrases can be used as a powerful tool for self-discovery and insight. In this article, we will discuss how to calculate Gematria.

At its simplest, Gematria assigns values of one to twenty-six to each letter of the alphabet. These values are assigned based on their position in the religious or philosophical alphabet system being used. Different systems may use different permutations of these values, so it's important to know which system you are using before attempting calculations.

In most traditional Gematria systems, the calculation is done by summing up all the numerical values of each letter within a word or phrase. For example, if you wanted to calculate the value of "love" using traditional five-by-five Gematria system (where A=1 and Z=25), you would sum up L (12), O (15), V (22) and E (5), giving a total numerical value of 54 for "love". If you were using seven-by-seven Gematria system (where A=1 and Z=49), it would be 272 for "love".

In some cases, you may also want to calculate a word's numerical value from its root letter only, meaning that only one letter in that word will be used instead of summing all letters in it together. This lets us place extra emphasis on specific words within sentences instead of just muching them all together when deciphering their true significance as expressed through numeric equivalence.

In addition to these two methods above, there are various other forms of calculations with Gematrinomancy which operate differently but ultimately serve similar purposes – calculating numbers from words in order reveal deeper meanings which can then be analysed further along spiritual lines or simply serve as an enjoyable pastime! Further complicated yet fascinating interpretations branch out from here such as those offered through Chaldean numerology, Pythagorean numerology or Hebraic numerology – three popular systems developed since ancient times which share common underlying principles but still differ slightly in terms of calculating numerical equivalents associated with certain words or phrases.

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